Professional Training in Preparation of Expanded States of Consciousness: Harm Reductions March 26-30 2025

With Rui Sebok Bizarro and Krisztina Sebok Bizarro

March 26 - 30, 2025

Address: Estrada dos Montes 134, Tomar, Portugal

Contact: Rui Sebok Bizarro

  • $690.00 – Program Price
  • $840.00 – Price

Training accredited by DGERT Portugal

We are privileged to inform you that we created the next training in Portugal, in the area of ​​Expanded States of Consciousness, accredited by DGERT. The certificate is issued through the SIGO platform (Educational and Training Offer Information and Management System), the training is registered in the Qualifica Passport.

In this program we do not use any kind of psychedelics or visionary medicines.

Due to our training with Expanded States of Consciousness, Grof Transpersonal Training, Holotropic Breathwork among other areas, also the request for this program by several of our participants, as well as our vast experience with these states for almost 30 years, leads us to offer such a program, where we support the different results of this type of experience. From challenging experiences to transpersonal, perinatal and biographical experiences.

The main goal of this training is to prepare ourselves for these Psychotropic Experiences, or other Medicines, or even Non-Pharmacological Experiences such as Holotropic Breathwork, Spiritual Emergencies, Peak Experiences among others, to prepare ourselves in personal terms, as well as to acquire practices to implement these experiences to our clients or future clients, with reduced risks and as little damage as possible.

This training aims to be experiential so that we can better apply these experiences into our lives, and on the other hand, it is also a contribution to the training of professionals who work in this area.

This is a group program, in 4 days, in a space in nature in immersion with yourself and with other participants who also shared identical experiences and interests. This is an excellent space to contribute to a greater network of contacts within this psychedelic community and visionary medicine that is increasingly growing or being reborn in Portugal and in the world.

There are several activities that make up this program, such as Yoga, Breathwork, Journaling, Art Therapy, Dance, Sharing Circles, Contact with Nature, etc.

Both in theoretical and practical terms, this work is inspired by different proposes by Stanislav Grof and his Transpersonal Model, by Carl Jung through his concept of Archetype and Active Imagination exercises and Carol Pearson and her arquetypal model, so useful for self-knowledge and preparation for these experiences.

At the end of this training, you will have some tools that you can use in your clinical practice. This training is aimed at psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, trainers, therapists, facilitators and all those with experience in expanded states of consciousness.

A Manual about the Preparation of Expanded States of Consciousness: Harm Reductions is provided during the Training.


Retreat, Food and Camping 640€ (Doesn’t include VAT)

Early bird Till February 16th

Regular Price After February 17th 780€

For other sleeping accommodations options, please ask us for prices.

Training accredited by DGERT Portugal

The certificate is issued through the SIGO platform (Educational and Training Offer Information and Management System), the training is registered in the Qualifica Passport.

About the Leaders

Rui Sebok Bizarro

After several years of learning in Portugal, Spain and other cultures as the Amazon jungle of Brazil, Peru, USA and India, has been touched by different teachers, masters and facilitators whom so much taught and facilitated his process of self-knowledge and transformation. His intention is to share what has been experienced all over these years […]

Learn more about Rui Sebok Bizarro

Krisztina Sebok Bizarro

Collecting professional experiences as working in multinational companies responsible for Human Resources and Organization Development, her deep interest has gradually been turned towards Transpersonal Development. Touched by the Sacred Medicines of the Amazon for some years, her intention became to follow the Shamanic Way of Life to realize her highest potential as a human being, […]

Learn more about Krisztina Sebok Bizarro